› Keynote: What Underlies Ecological Variation in Human Fertility? - Gillian R. Bentley, Department of Anthropology [Durham University]
09:40-10:10 (30min)
› Mothers with higher twinning propensity had lower fertility in pre-industrial Europe - Alexandre Courtiol, Leibniz Insitute for Zoo and Wildlife and Research
10:10-10:20 (10min)
› Lifetime reproductive success provides a novel perspective on fertility change - Sha Jiang, Stanford University
10:20-10:30 (10min)
› Does the proportion of sons influence lifespan of preindustrial Quebec women ? - Lucas Invernizzi, Département écologie évolutive [LBBE]
10:30-10:40 (10min)
› Network Effects of Demographic Transition - Tamas David-Barrett, University of Oxford [Oxford]
10:40-10:50 (10min)
› Did violence caused the post-Neolithic Y chromosome bottleneck? A peaceful alternative scenario. - Léa Guyon, Éco-Anthropologie
10:50-11:00 (10min)
› A functional explanation for religion unites alloparenting and demography - Rebecca Sear, Evolutionary Demography Group, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
11:30-11:40 (10min)
› The consequences of increasing adult prevalence of chronic diseases linked with obesity on the “grandmother effect” - Néstor Aldea, ECHO project, IEGD-CSIC (Spanish National Research Council), Institut national d'études démographiques, Institut de Démographie
11:40-11:50 (10min)